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Saturday, March 18, 2006

From sun shine to snow dome

Yesterday, with the booking of the flight (March 27; Shelly tells me nine sleeps) it was dazzlingly sunny. I walked on the sea, only it melted with every step I took. Good thing I was wearing trousers. Yep, trousers - because it was so damn warm I could. And with nothing underneath (this got some looks from the boys; I meant thermals!)

I ate liha piiraka, bought a ridiculous Helsinki t-shirt (see pic) and took photos of snow melting in a hundred different positions.

I took tea with The KebMaf (realised that there is a real KM here and hope this hasn't made people think I have embarked on some interesting lesbian experiments)... We talked about how to spend the last days. For us, it was like being given a second chance to get it right. Knowing I was leaving took the pressure off, like when you have been caught fibbing and figure you might as well confess to a lifetime of lies. Last night we lay like lovers, spoke honestly, and made fun of each other. There were apologies aplently. And I think the friendship will survive. He is my longest dearest friend here, and the screw ups of a relationship shouldn't hinder that.

I felt thrilled yesterday to have the weight of the unknown lifted off me, to have a plan to move forward. Buoyed by the sun and the warm weather (plus three at one time!) I knew I had made the right decision. Of course, soon it will hit me that I am leaving, like saying goodbye to KM at the door signalled the first of nine days of farewells, and I will wonder if I have done the right thing. As if on cue, today the sky broke grey and snow fell wildly from all directions, covering the frozen snow melts. Back in the snow dome, I sit with my swirling thoughts...


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