To Hel and Back :: Edit your Template To Hel and Back: It's a beautiful day...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's a beautiful day...

... and I'm inside swearing at the McKlein site and my remote email, invoicing, completing accreditation forms and searching for Iban numbers and frowning at my dwindling English account balance (how does it happen, I'm not even in the country!)

I'm in a great mood, I am in regular contact with the Finnish divas, whose comments and observations make me laugh and feel close to home. Last night I had a hot date. I didn't really, but in my imagination I did, and it was good. Reality is soooo over-rated.

I have friends in lerve, I am in lerve (or at least I have consumed enough chocolate for my endorphins to think this is the case).

On the downside, one of my friends is getting married and has made herself sick with worry and exhaustion, so I'm going to throw as much positive energy her way. I've at least talked her into accepting that going to the doctors is more important than bridesmaid's shoes. "Honey," I told her, "what man is going to be looking at our feet...? " I just hope that everyman at the wedding is hetero having said that, or anything less than a designer label is going to catch us out.

Now, I need to find something to do with this beautiful day.


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