To Hel and Back :: Edit your Template To Hel and Back: Ode to Burgers

Friday, September 30, 2005

Ode to Burgers

Last night I got my Mos Burger and brought the phone order menu back to the office. It's created quite a stir; the thought of something other than bento boxes and butadon every day. One of the girls
Google-translated the Mos Burger website which made this poetic translation:

Fall of the moth, the direct fire burning of prejudice. It soused in the spice of over 10 types, also also chicken with the direct fire made the meat softly the net burning. Because the flame is applied from above, flavor of the spice is not let escape, The excessive fat is dropped. Spy sea of tongue dolly chicken tasting and, The white asparagus it is bitter, of vegetable dipping Affinity of sweetness is preeminent one item.


Blogger Preya said...

That's hilarious! "The direct fire burning of prejudice"--sounds very contraversial, very soul-wrenching.

10:32 am  

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