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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Motivation vs realist

I am a realist. Some people call me cynical. I call them idealists. Get it?!

My father is an idealist. That's the only reason why I have a book on how to turn your failures into successes. The difference between us is that I don't call them failures, I call it life.

I brace myself for the worst, and am pleased when something better happens.

Anyway this demotivational website is right for my sense of humour. I might order dad a desk calendar and see if he gets the realism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some great demotivational posters there! I should buy some too :)

5:59 pm  
Blogger Rowena said...

I think they would be good gifts for a boss or project leader! They are some good corporate teamwork ones!

6:05 pm  

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