To Hel and Back :: Edit your Template To Hel and Back: For a bit of blue paper

Friday, March 31, 2006

For a bit of blue paper

You might remember when the tax man was rearing his ugly head for lots of money from me... At the time, I was in the UK, and my documents were in Finland, meaning I needed to ask people to search out the mysterious blue paper which held the answers to my taxable income. I knew that the blue paper was in the basement but I felt too bad demanding that in the wilds of winter, someone went down there and dug it up. So I submitted the blue paper late.

The bad news. That late piece of paper cost me 1100 sterling pounds.

The good news. I am going to get that 1100 back.

I'm thrilled, even if without this all happening, I would have been able to stay in Finland.

Everything happens for a reason...


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