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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Here I am

Arrived at Perth 0610. Mmmm sleepy.

It's so nice to check emails and find messages from people wondering if you're okay because they haven't heard from you for a day and a half. Is that a bit self-centred of me? It just makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Just a short one as I am going to get some much needed sleep to catch up on the 18 hour days, the night of drinking and the long day of flying.

All is well here, I've spoken to the folks, called the bride to be, my mother has enrolled me in a gym with a personal trainer (anyone would think I'm the bride but apparently me being a size 12 is shocking... !), I've eaten vegetables and vitamin smoothies to protect myself from back-to-back events, discovered my mother has a new addiction to Home and Away and already gained a whole backpack's worth of clothing. The usual stuff then.

More from the home front and a rally report once I unpack my laptop.

Off to the land of nod...Mmmmm sleep.


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