To Hel and Back :: Edit your Template To Hel and Back: When you wish...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

When you wish...

I gracefully gain another year in a couple of days, in case anyone hadn't worked out the significance of my Finnish phone number. In anticipation, someone asked if the Wishlist on my blogger profile was still current. I checked, it is, but it had me rolling on the floor with laughter as I think of what people might think based on the range of books and music in it: Love and Death in the Balkans, Emergency Sex and other tales from the front line. What would an amateur psych have to say about me!? And then I thought blog readers are amateur psychs and I would throw an invitation open to any anonymous reader, or passing friend, based on the macabre selection of books on my Wish list.

Here's my pop:
WISHLIST PROFILE: Harding would like to think of herself as the smart, sassy and sexy heroine in the front line of the world's lesser known and quickly forgotten warzones. A frustrated conflict chaser, the real conflict seems to be in her heart as she struggles to decide between touring with Mr and Mrs Holt's Guide to the Somme, or settling down with a cat to enjoy good, simple, well-cooked food. Her music tastes are either spiritually inspired or come from her gothic-leaning days, indicating at best a woman searching for faith, or at worst, a woman harking back to her black-lipstick wearing youth.

Not sure if that's true ... so over to you...

Shelly made me wish on a double-yolk the other day (it's a strange Chernobyl egg tradition thing). I noticed as I get older, my wishes get more simple, more abstract - no car, house, man, money, not even happiness, on this wishlist. I simply wished "I wish I knew what I was doing"...

Can't ask for anything more...


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