To Hel and Back :: Edit your Template To Hel and Back: Hyvaa Ystavan Paiva

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hyvaa Ystavan Paiva

It's not Valentine's Day in Finland, it's Friend's Day. I've always hated Valentine's Day (even more so when it was my ex-husband's birthday) so I am more than pleased with the Finnish alternative.

Here's a few reasons why I love my friends:
  • They help me find my way round foreign supermarkets to find toilet roll (and I in turn help others find condensed milk)
  • They send me links to language schools at midnight so I have somewhere to send my CV and not go back to London and can stop panicking in the middle of the night
  • They forgive me for not writing all the time
  • They read my blog to compensate for me not writing all the time
  • We tell each other we are beautiful, and we mean it
  • They tell me I am a bitch like they mean it
  • They meet me for coffee on top of classy hotels and bad doughnut joints when I am sad
  • They cook for me, I cook for them, we all get fat
  • They let me visit them in exotic locations and sometimes visit me in my less than exotic location, Maunula included
  • We look at each other's photos of people we don't know, and places we will never be, with real interest
  • We laugh at the same jokes, and each other
  • They tell me to calm down, we all tell each other to get perspective
  • They let me see their laundry, hold their pets, cuddle their toys
  • They stock the fridge and pantry with my favourites when I come home or come for a visit
  • We take phone calls and text messages from each other at odd times, odd places, odd situations
  • They put up with me, make life more interesting and make me feel normal... !
I hope everyone has a tosi hyvaa day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moi Miss GoLightly,
Hyvää ystävänpäivää to you too!
Rakastan sinua (but don't tell your "boyfriend" I said that)!

8:00 am  

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