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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Back in Suomi

I woke up to brilliant sunlight and a thin layer of snow. My house was as warm as a sauna. There were wine glasses on the floor and the crumbs of devoured chocolate chip cookies and baklava, the radio DJ is speaking Russian. Ahhh it must be home.

My friends organised a surprise welcome reception. I surprised them by arriving half an hour earlier than they expected (Finland is effecient if nothing else), despite a narrow connection time, sub-zero temperatures at both airports, an extensive delay at Heathrow and leaving my jacket on the plane at Vantaa (handed to me as I walked out the airport - see Finland is terribly effecient!).

Kati was folding my bedding as I arrived. She nearly had to be restrained, so intent was she on making hospital corners and leaving a chocolate on my pillow. She's either very nurturing, or was under pain of death from Nina, who was the previous bed dweller, and unable to get here to tidy herself due to self-inflicted injury! Arabella and Sonja brought additional sunshine, Papu made sure I got home safe and well fed, and Ahmet stayed on to to tell me what to do, having been directionless without my Turkish husband for so long... !

Of course, I am very very sick. So much so that I can't even lie down in bed because my coughing is so violent that I hit my head on the low roof. A trip to the chemist beckons... I am scared of having to put that much clothing on, going outside, walking on ice upright and speaking Finglish...


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